Sunday, September 30, 2012

~Happy B'day Richard, from Sara~ :)

Life is a Journey
God began your life journey 40 years ago...
and then chose that I'd begin life with you 14 1/2 yrs ago!!!
What a journey beside my best friend! :) 
We laugh and cry; we learn and grow.
We use challenges for stepping stones.
~We may not understand the "why's" or "how's" in life, but God gives us plenty to discuss and laugh about along the way~   :)

God, help us balance the life You've called us to live... 

....when the path before us is easy,
or when we can see only one step at a time~
~May we count our blessings often~
whether they are right in front of us...
...or require much hunting~   :)
I pray we remain thankful, and never take our journey for granted.
I love you, Richard!!!!!!!!!!    :)  :)  
Happy, happy (surprise) Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Have fun reading through the blog!!   :)  :)   :)
Sara   :)